Monday 7 may 2007/ The Times. An article entitled “Giant tornado wipes
town off the map” is published.

In the middle of the page we find a photograph of the landscape.
Scarred trees are lying at the sides of a road in Greensburg, Kansas.
The outlines of the road are redefined by pieces of scrap. Everyday
objects are ripped out of their everyday context and seem fused with
the soil. The pieces of debris are leaning or lying down, randomly
spread all over the site. Nevertheless an assumed void is absent. The
place can not be referred to as “terra nullius” (no-man’s-land).
We exist inside a juxtaposition of different territories where space
is stipulated as “Land” and outlines are described in the sense of
ownership in which space is mostly seen as property. The situation
emphasizes questions about orientation. This includes describing
pathways between starting points and destinations.

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